Why Get onboard with us?
Team Disrupter Onboarding Plus+
Transition Partner Support
Designed with the Sponsor and New Agent in mind
Led by eXp Sponsors & Agents, for eXp Sponsors & Agents
We get it, we’ve eXperienced it!!
As eXp Sponsors and Agents, we understand the challenges associated with transitioning from a brick and mortar brokerage to eXp Realty's virtual brokerage model.
Onboarding & orientation can be frustrating for Sponsors and new Agents!
This is YOUR one stop shop for onboarding guidance, Transition Partner Support and links to critical pages, sites and eXp departments
Our goal is make onboarding & transition to eXp Realty
easy, quick and painfree for our Sponsors and the new Agents!
First Impressions Do Count!!
Easy Transition is the KEY to Agent & Sponsor success at eXp
Launch your new Disrupters into Production, Attraction and Excitement now. See your rev share grow faster!
Chose Your Approach
Resources for You and Your New Agents
Gold Level
Ideal for Sponsors & new Agents that like to DIY (no Transition Partner Specialist)
Platinum Level
Launch your new Agent's eXperience with our eXpert Transition Partner Support team
Ready Reference Links for
All Disrupters
eXp Concierge Connect
eXp Fast Track (Tracks 1-12)
eXp certified Mentor (New RE agents)
eXp Excel
eXp Workplace
exP Workplace Chat
Team Disrupter Facebook Site
“We know what we are, but not what we may be”